In the penultimate instalment of the whisky film, Dave Broom seeks the insights of Head Warehouseman Eric Stephen, Cooper Ian McDonald and Coppersmith Dennis McBain on the unconventional whisky making methodologies of the Gordon brothers.
Episode Four
Eilidh Muir returns from the Whisky Stocks team to work with Dave on selecting the components for the challenge set by Ian Millar. Later, Ian Millar pays a visit to share his insights on the risk-taking confidence of the brothers.
Shop the Whisky Film: Buy The Accelerator and The Brake Scotch Whisky
The companion Scotch Whisky, created in collaboration with Dave Broom and featured in the whisky film, The Accelerator and The Brake, a 33 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky, is now available to pre-order from the House of Hazelwood.
For a limited time only, preorder the whisky and receive three collectable fine art photographic prints, captured from the film. Just 209 bottles available.